When I was 3 I started getting strictures in my esophagus, these strictures require a short surgery to make them pop out. My parents decided that it would be a good time for me to get a "new belly button" or a gtube. We were all scared, we wished we didn't need it. Once we got it we realized how silly we were to worry about having one because we LOVE it. It is the greatest thing that ever happened. I had never slept through the night until I got it, because I was always hungry. All of my super nasty medicine goes straight through the tube so I don't have to taste any of it! I am growing huge because I get such great nutrition through it. I am 72 pounds and 56 inches tall. I have always been the tallest in my class. Eating was stressful before I got it, because I always had sores in my mouth and esophagus but my body still needed tons of nutrition. This is a picture of me in the hospital right after I had the surgery. I wanted to go on wagon ride but I was nervous about having my tube on so when my mom picked me up I told her "be careful and good luck" she laughed.

I liked it so much that a year later my Uncle David and Aunt Sandra and cousins Amos and Isaac came over and we had a birthday party for it. My cousin Isaac made a drawing of my body and we played "pin the gtube on me".
1 comment:
ha ha! he is so great! what a champ. love you guys and i love reading these posts and hearing both your senses of humor shine! thanks for being so wonderful - realistic, but hopeful. hope to meet someday soon!
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