Going to Pack's Pumpkin Patch in Farmington is a family tradition for us. Not only do they have pumpkins but they have yummy banana and butternut squashes, and weird squashes that Brad refers to a hemorrhoid squash. (they do look pretty weird) They have a free little maze that my kids love, and a giant corn maze that costs, we just may go back for that one.
Zack was not to sure about his 504 aid last year until he found out that she just so happened to be a Pack. She made it so the kindergarten got to take an extra field trip there. How could you not love a 504 aid that not only comes with a pumpkin patch, but can also get you and extra field trip. Mrs. pack is certainly a keeper.
The kids loved running through the maze hiding from Brad and I. Hiding was easier for Brently than Zack, his giant head poked clear out of the maze. It was sooo funny to watch his head magically float along the top of the hay.

When Brad would catch one of them he would scoop them up (an eb friendly scoop of course) and they would squeal with happiness.

Brad is a pretty great dad. He loves his kids, it shows when he plays with them. It shows by that fact that he is willing to wake up long before the butt crack of dawn (that's what he calls it) and work 13 hours a day, 5 days a week so that we can do fun things, go on fun trips, and enjoy a great home. He values having a mom at home for the kids during the day and I am so thankful that I get to be that mom.
For the 30 or so local blog lurkers (don't worry I lurk plenty, but I really have NO idea who reads this) you should really make a trip out there, it's awesome. And the Pack's are great people. They totally didn't charge us for all the hay that Zack took home stuck to his gauze, and they could have because it was close to an entire bail.
1 comment:
Kadee you are too funny. You have an awesome little family.
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