Next week they are screening for vision at school and I need to go get Zack's new glasses. This week they did hearing screening and I am proud to say that my child was not one of the children that had to be pulled aside to have their ears cleaned out before they could preform the test.
Oh, and I also need to be reminded that on Monday my baby sister will be celebrating a birthday. Lets see, she is 8 years younger than me and I turned 21 last January so that makes her 13. Yeah that seams right. She is just one of my 4 amazing sisters, she lives around the corner and is expecting her second child. (so maybe we are both a little older than I think) I am so blessed to have sisters who are willing to take such active rolls in the life of my kids (I have a couple of great sister in laws too). Like today when I forgot that it was early out Friday. One of my other sisters called from the school to let me know that I was 15 minutes late, but all was well, Zack was with her. I could not raise my kids with out these special women, that do things almost daily for me and my kids.
Oh man I love those goggles, they make me giggle! I think I will start blogging too....
blogging is fun jen, if you blog, I will read it and comment.
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