Then Darth Vader and Darth Maul came out, I have to admit it was a little scary. Darth Vader is big in real life.
I got to go battle Darth Vader with a light saber, I hit left and right and I even had to duck.
After I beat Darth Vader I went to walk of like the other kids but Darth Vader said the to 2 storm troopers that the force is strong in this one and they started to come after me so I had to use my hand to force them both back. One of them almost fell backwards.
And after I forced them I was able to walk off of the stage. I really don't want to meet Darth Vader again.
Zack typed this days ago, but I have not had a chance to add the pictures until tonight. It is not fun to be the secretary for a six year old, but I think he will be happy when he wakes up and sees that I have finally done it for him. Zack asked me later that day how Darth Vader knew the force was strong in him. I told him what I always tell him, that he is a strong boy, the strongest I know. I told him that he has courage, and shows me his courage every day and that others see it too. With the upcoming adoption of our foster daughter Zack has had alot of questions about his adoption. I am so glad that we have always been able to talk openly about the miracles that brought Zack to our family. It is an honor and a priviledge to be his Mom. He has taught me so much, and I have become a better, stronger person with his help. The other day someone mentioned something along the lines that they were glad I would get to have a healthy child. I didn't know that Zack had heard it or if he did if he would put 2 and 2 together, well he did. I too am glad that I get to have a healthy child, but in my opinion I now have 2 strong, healthy children. My children are fighters, they have both over come so much and both still have uphill battles to fight, but I in NO WAY see them as anything less than incredible people. Zack knows that he is loved and accepted for all that he is, I am a little sad that some look at him and discount what he is, I don't feel like I have less of a child because Zack has eb, or that I am less of a parent. The truth is that he is strong, strong enough move past ugly comments, and ugly stares and ugly people, and strong enough to not give it a second thought.(now if I could only learn that)